Utilize this endpoint to modify one or more attributes of an existing product within your hub, ensuring its details are current and accurate. This flexible tool allows for precise amendments, enhancing your product management workflow.
{ "status": "400","message": "Your payload did not pass the Schema validation.","error": string,"data": {} }
If the product name that you supplied is already registered:
{ "status": "400","message": "The name '' is already in-use.\nPlease use a different product name.","data": {} }
If the Roblox Developer Product ID that you supplied does not exist:
{ "status": "400","message": "Developer Product ID could not be found.\nAre you sure that you've entered the correct developer product ID?\nPossible solution: Make sure the Developer Product exists in the Hub game.","data": {} }
If you did not supply a Product Stock (Parcel Pro only):
{ "status": "400","message": "Missing stock or invalid input. Please respond with a number between 0-999 or unlimited.","data": {} }
If you the Product Stock you supplied is not within the number range (Parcel Pro only):
{ "status": "400","message": "On the stock field, please respond with a number between 0-999.","data": {} }