This endpoint enables the revocation of a product license from a user within your hub. By executing this route, you can withdraw access to a particular product from a user, ensuring control over product licensing and adherence to your hub's guidelines or user agreements.
Revoke a Whitelist from a user
200: OK 500: Internal Server Error 404: Not Found 401: Unauthorized 400: Bad Request
If everything was able to process properly:
Copy { "status": "200", "message": "OK", "data": { "userid": string, "userid_type": string, "product_id": string, "state": "License has been revoked" } }
If something was wrong on our end:
Copy { "status": "500", "message": "Internal Server Error" }
If the product ID that you supplied does not exist:
Copy { "status": "404", "message": "Product does not exist.", "data": {} }
If the user ID that you supplied does not exist within our Database:
Copy { "status": "404", "message": "No Roblox Account associated to this Discord User ID.", "data": {} }
If you provided an invalid authorization key:
Copy { "status": "401", "message": "Invalid authorization key." }
If you did not provide an authorization key:
Copy { "status": "401", "message": "No authorization key was provided." }
If you did not supply the Product ID, User ID and User ID Type:
Copy { "status": "400", "message": "Missing Body Parameters.\nRequired params: product_id, userid, userid_type", "data": {} }
If the user does not own the license:
Copy { "status": "400", "message": "User does not own this license.", "data": { } }
If you provided an invalid User ID Type:
Copy { "status": "400", "message": "Invalid type.\nAvailable types: roblox, discord", "data": {} }